Let Me Warm You Up: A True Story

Kristen Scott enjoys a pleasant refreshing shower on this scorching hot day. Preoccupied with the water cascading over her, she completely overlooks Naomi Woods' planned visit. To her surprise, Naomi is already impatiently knocking on the door and calling her repeatedly. Startled by the numerous missed calls, she panics, concerned that Naomi might be in the searing heat outside, possibly suffering from sunstroke. She discovers Naomi weak and drenched in sweat once she steps out of the shower. Without hesitation, she rushes to her aid and ushers her inside the house, calming herself down. Observing the extent of Naomi's discomfort, she fetches cool water and a damp cloth from the bathroom. By tenderly dabbing her feverish skin, Kristen considers undressing Naomi to help lower her temperature. Naomi consents, allowing Kristen to undress her, bringing her instant relief. Overflowing with gratitude for Kristen's rescue mission, Naomi vocalizes her affection and admiration towards her hero. Curious about Naomi's condition, Kristen inquires about her well-being, but Naomi assures her it's a case of pure admiration. She's simply in awe of Kristen's courageous and caring side, grateful for her timely rescue. Determined to express her appreciation, Naomi advances by showering Kristen with kisses, passionately venting her emotions. Kristen initially suspects it to be a result of heat exhaustion, pliantly accepting Naomi's advances. Overwhelmed by sensations of desire, Kristen surrenders to the intense moments of pleasure kindled by Naomi's fervor. Regardless of Kristen's mental quandaries, Naomi proceeds unyielding, lavishing her friend with unmistakable gratitude in the form of unrivaled passion.