Middle Of Nowhere

A young lady named Tania is stranded on a quiet road, feeling anxious and weary. With her phone out of service and no passing cars in sight, she's beginning to lose hope. Startled by a coyote howl, she ventures away but hurries back to spot a speeding car moments later. Though she assumes the opportunity for help has slipped away, her prayers are answered when another vehicle stops nearby. The two men inside make Tania uneasy with their unsettling gaze and peculiar conversation. Despite her discomfort, she accepts their offer for a ride, realizing she has no other options. The men, Billy and Willy, appear bizarre as they inform Tania that they need to make a quick stop at their mother's house before continuing on her route. Feeling trapped in the situation, Tania reluctantly agrees and hopes for a safe journey.The brothers' true intention becomes clear upon reaching their destination - they have brought her there to engage in a threesome. Their proposal is simple: she can receive a lift to her destination if she participates in their lascivious desire. Faced with a decision, Tania must choose between engaging in their debauchery or leaving on foot alone in the dark uncertainty. Though initially hesitant, Tania ultimately concedes, unwilling to face the dangers bestowed by the night's shadows. 'Alright, but don't dawdle,' she declares, as the brothers smirk mischievously.