This Doesn't Change Anything

Receiving news of an upcoming high school gathering can be quite thrilling for many, offering the chance to mingle with old pals and reminisce about the past. However, for some, revisiting history can be quite unnerving. Johnny Hill, also known as Kevin, is enjoying himself at the reunion before he seeks a reprieve from the clamor outside the school. Seizing an opportunity, he engages in a chat with Casey Kisses, an enchanting lady also taking a break. Kevin is immediately drawn to her and decides to make a move. Although she responds warmly, she appears slightly puzzled by their exchange. The more they converse, the more bashful Kevin grows upon realizing that she recognizes him. Astonished by his inability to recall such an exquisite woman as her, Kevin cannot place her identity... until she discloses that she is Ashley, whom Kevin previously knew as Andrew. Kevin is instantly overwhelmed as his reality is turned upside down, unable to comprehend that Ashley was once his close companion and flatmate. Despite their strong bond in the past, they gradually grew apart post-college, eventually becoming distant from each other. How could Kevin have remained oblivious to the fact that Ashley has been transgender all this while? As the unveiling shatters his world, he finds himself grappling with various uncertainties, not only about Ashley but about his own identity. As he descends into turmoil, Ashley endeavors to bridge the gap between them, brimming with heightened emotions. Their encounter is fraught with bewilderment and pain, highlighting the vast chasm that seems to divide them. Will the deep connection they shared be resilient enough to navigate them through this ; ordeal? or is it definitively time to let go of their history together?