Jekyll & Dad

Captivating Lucy, with her tender age of 19, was engrossed in her academic responsibilities when she reached out to her companion Emma. With no immediate response forthcoming, she felt a hint of concern and quickly embarked on a quest to locate her. Lucy's frantic search lead her to find Emma engrossed in an engaging conversation with her step-parent, Mr. Edwards, at a distant corner of the house. Alarmed by the unexpected encounter, Lucy hastened Emma away before things got out of hand. As they ventured to make their escape, Mr. Edwards cordially extended an invitation for a potential late-night rendezvous with Emma post-study session. Despite her resistance, Emma graciously acknowledged his hospitality, bidding him adieu before following a persistent Lucy back to safety. Under the cover of darkness later that evening, an uneasy quiet loomed over the dining room where Lucy and Mr. Edwards concluded their meal. The uneasy tension prompted Mr. Edwards to remark on Emma's likable demeanor and noting her young age, mirroring Lucy's own. Seizing a moment to engage Lucy in a conversation, Mr. Edwards shared a cavalier recount of the events surrounding the toilet paper 'incident.' Lucy opted to maintain her silence in response to his insinuations. With fatherly guidance, Mr. Edwards advised her to retire for the night, despite Lucy's concealed discomfort at the unfolding atmosphere. On the brink of bedtime, as Lucy languished in her private quarters, the door slowly creaked open to reveal an almost bare figure of Mr. Edwards. Shrouded in the dim glow of the hallway light, his ominous invitation for a 'good night kiss' grumbled seductively. Devoid of defiance, Lucy submitted to his unsettling request, 'Yes, daddy,' she muttered. The unveiling of the alternate personality dwelling within this paternal figure signals an ominous turn of events in Lucy's sheltered world.