Meant Every Word

While putting together lunches for her partner and their son, the woman decides to add a personal element by including two letters– one for the son, and another explicit one meant for her romantic partner. In a rush in the morning, the son mistakenly picks up the wrong bag with the spicy note intended for his father. Unaware of the mix-up, the woman carries on with her day, her partner returning home to behave strangely and shyly around her. Eventually, the son questions her about the contents of the note, leading to a surprising advance from the son towards her. Before things escalate, she realizes the swap when the son shows her the note. Surprised, the woman contemplates clarifying the situation, before seizing an impromptu moment to ask if the son desires to engage in intimate activities. Embarrassed but honest, the son reveals his feelings for her. Touched, the woman then offers to fulfill the detailed descriptions in the suggestive note, engaging in a heated session with the son.