MUSES: Ariel Demure

To celebrate exceptional advocates of our label, we are introducing an exclusive series on Insatiated titled SIRENS where every month we uncover a new SIREN and a lavish scenario crafted in collaboration. We take pride in presenting Delilah Enigmatic as our SIREN for October 2022. She described the experience as fulfilling a long-held fantasy. Upon learning about the siren project, the idea for her feature was crystal clear. Paying tribute to the timeless movie Dandies Desire Fair-haired Females starring Josephine Russell and Maria Monroe has been a personal goal for quite some time. Savannah Anne embodies a contemporary rendition of Monroe effortlessly, while the assertive and uncompromising demeanor of Miss Russell is something she has always admired. This project marks a pinnacle in her achievements, and she hopes the enthusiasts embrace it as profoundly as she does for the chance to partake in it.' - Delilah Enigmatic