Husbandly Duties

The story revolves around Alicia and Jack, newlyweds prepared for an intimate night together. Unexpectedly, they find Alicia's mom and Jack's new relative, Helen, in their bedroom. Things take a surprising turn as Alicia pleads with Helen for more time alone with her husband. Hidden truths are unveiled - Helen had orchestrated Alicia's relationship with Jack to ensure his trust so she could manipulate a prenuptial agreement with a cunning clause. Jack is taken aback, confronted with the proposal of being intimate with Helen whenever she desires in exchange for her support. Despite feeling used and outraged, Jack is entangled in making a choice. Alicia struggles to intervene, forfeiting her stand for the sake of peace. Helen guarantees Jack a prosperous future, merely demanding his compliance with her demands from time to time. While feeling manipulated and cornered, Jack ultimately faces a compromise to preserve his marriage with Alicia - at the cost of meeting Helen's whims occasionally. Helen emerges dominant, indicating a future shaped by her terms for Jack and the couple together.