This movie marks the commencement of a lifelong journey of recovery and introspection from my past adventures. I'm grateful for being provided with the chance to transform a distressing phase of my life into a creation that can be enjoyed by diverse individuals. Writing has been a passion of mine, and releasing my ideas onto paper feels absolutely fitting. Being part of STARS as the lead, writer, and co-director has been an unforgettable encounter. Recalling the period depicted in the movie has recently been on my mind quite frequently—an aspect I used to fear until now. Strikingly, the teenage years spent in Queens feel worlds away from where I find myself currently. Although my circumstances have evolved, the lessons derived from these encounters will be forever etched in my memory, as well as the experience of crafting this film. I now understand that one's life transforms based on their actions. Thank you for allowing me to impart a segment of my narrative with you. - Jane Wilde