Bird Watching

Iliana Velvet, an ornithophile, ventures into the forest with her field glasses at the ready to spot scarce avian species soaring above. Nevertheless, her expedition is unexpectedly interrupted when she chances upon a unique avian issue altogether – an origami creation nestled within a rudimentary bird's abode alongside a few companions. Intrigued by this peculiar encounter, Iliana vow conceives a plan to return discreetly and surveil the mystery folder placer. Days after, Iliana stealthily monitors the abode, only to be astonished by the appearance of Kalista Rose arriving with another crafted origami bird destined for the abode. The observance reveals an intricate pattern resembling something akin to a traditional rite. In the following days, Iliana continues to observe Kalista surreptitiously embedding additional birds into the nomadic nest, enticed by the enigma shrouding Siri's endeavor. Ultimately, one crucial day reveals Siri acknowledging Iliana's presence, resulting in a welcoming allure to her cottage for an explanation of the alluring origami situation. Within the confines of Kalista palace, Kalista illuminates the sentiment attached to the symbolic nest – a heartfelt tribute dedicated to a lost romantic partner who cherished birds deeply. This poignant revelation resonates with Claudia, forging an extraordinary connection stemming from their shared admiration of impulsive wildlife. Surprisingly, subtle affinities transpire hinting at a prospect for a renewed amatory exploration as Kalista timidly suggests the notion of taking a leap for love once more—if Clauida is thereinclined to embark upon the exciting odyssey ahead.