Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Julie stumbles upon Carol’s house and immediately senses an aura of secrecy around. Flashing a coy smile, Julie delicately insinuates that she's onto Carol's little rendezvous with all those alluring ladies sneaking out of the house late at night. Unbeknownst to Julie, she inadvertently uncovers Carol's affair. Julie, though feigning concern, can't resist the thrill of being in the know – clearly establishing her reputation as the town meddler. However, Carol astounds Julie by coming clean about her romps with the mysterious women. Wracked with guilt, Julie apologies for prying into matters that aren't her concern. But Carol is wary; she suspects gossipy Julie might spill the beans to her oblivious husband. Though Julie promises utmost secrecy, Carol remains dubious. She lightly hints at possessing an arsenal of damaging information about Julie. Fearful of her own skeletons tumbling out of the closet, Julie pledges loyalty, swearing not to alert Carol's husband. Carol, claiming equality in their hush-hush pact, insists on balancing the scales. She brazenly demands an additional condition: an exchange of carnal favors. Shock visibly plain on Julie's face, she resigns reluctantly to Carol's proposal, silently acknowledging the twisted equilibrium could lead to imminent desires.