
Neil, known as Clarke Kent, is a single stepfather who currently takes charge of educating his stepdaughter, Sarah, also known as Aria Valencia. Today, they turn to the topic of domestic management. Although the bond within this family seems friendly on the surface, there exists an air of discomfort. While Sarah appears remarkably innocent and sheltered, Neil addresses her in a chipper and overly close manner that verges on eerie. Their closeness seems a tad excessive. As they delve into the instructional materials, stumbling upon a section where two students are instructed to role-play as a married couple and tend to household tasks together in the absence of other classmates. seizing this chance, Neil persuades Sarah to partake in the simulation with him instead. She eagerly scampers off to grab an apron, without detecting the suggestive gleam in Neil's glance. Uniting forces, Neil and Sarah commence washing the dishes as a fundamental chore. Neil’s demeanor takes a flirtatious turn, justifying his behavior under the pretext of the make-believe husband-and-wife scenario. Initially, Sarah is startled but ultimately complies gracefully, even accommodating Neil's request to address him as ‘dear.' As they progress through the chores, Neil's flirtation amplifies. As the day unfolds, Neil’s advances become more blatant and brazen. The concept of fulfilling duties as husband and wife during the chores grows more intense. Suspicious of the night ending, Neil manipulates Sarah into accepting one last task – sharing a bed with him for the night.